Wednesday 28 March 2007
The Black Cloud award goes to Bob and Robby. They had a U-joint in
the rear driveshaft fail in Stanfield. After hammering it back
together they went back to Casa Grande to get it fixed. They started
out again with new U-joints and got as far as Wickenburg before the
Blazer stopped dead in the middle of the highway. This turned out to
be a melted wiring harness. Since this repair was going to take a while,
Amy drove up in the Tahoe to rescue them. On Saturday morning they
had a flat tire on the Tahoe near Payson. Thanks to Bob for taking care
of all the breakages -- none of the rest of us had any failures on the
trail. I drove the whole way with a bad rear brake rotor and a missing
rear shock -- undiscovered damage from Eagle Creek in January.
Jon and John stopped at Zabriskie Point just in time to miss sunset on
Wednesday. Everybody went in to Furnace Creek for dinner.
Photos by Ron P. (coming from Yuma)

Colorado River at Parker, AZ.

Mojave National Preserve.







Kelso train station.














Amarosa Opera House.






Furnace Creek Ranch.


Furnace Creek Inn.

Photos by Mike D.


Zabriskie Point.



Mike and Rick's camp in Echo Canyon.


Photos by John H.



Zabriskie Point just after sunset.



Photos by Jon R.





John Hill <>
Last modified: Mon Aug 27 18:09:53 2007