The participants were John W. and Skip in the venerable weenie Blazer. Bob B. and Pris in their SHINY NEW Ford Ranger, and John H. and Luciano M. in the still pretty shiny Avalanche.
We stopped at the Geronimo Surrender Memorial on Highway 80 just north of Apache, AZ. The turnoff to the actual surrender site in Skeleton Canyon is just a few hundred yards south of there.
The weather was clear and sunny, so what could be do but go wheelin? The road is graded and flat (rating 2) on the way to the surrender site at the head of Skeleton Canyon. We followed the trail up the main branch of Skeleton Canyon for a couple miles. We'll rate this 2.5 since there are a number of rocky stream crossings. It could be "fun" in the rainy season. For those with shiny new paint, we'll warn you that this part of the trail has lots of catclaw and acacia bushes that will sleek your paint. Both Bob and John "inaugurated" the clearcoat on their shiny vehicles. The scenery was spectacular and we had lunch near the end of this trail. We only explored a short section of the South Fork since it was too rough for the 2WD Ranger.
We hunted all around, but never did find the rock monument that Geronimo's colleagues made near the surrender site. Let us know if you know where it is located.
After a stop for ice cream in Portal, we took FR 42 over the Chiricahuas including a short side trip to Rustler Park (still significantly snowy despite the warm weather). The day ended in Willcox with dinner at the Desert Rose Cafe.
Total Trip Mileage from Tucson: 385
Geronimo Surrender monument on Hwy 80 near Apache, AZ.
On the trail going downstream in Skeleton Canyon.
Geronimo Surrender site at the glade at the confluence of Skeleton Canyon and South Fork.
For more information: