(home)   University of Arizona   Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab    GMT6   Ninth 8.4m Mirror
Latest Temperature Plots from the Furnace:
the temperature was 28.8 degrees C at 19:33 MST on 06/03/21; power consumption was 0.0 kW.

Recent rotation timer plot

06/03/21 19:31 MST 80 kB
Temperature plot from Last 8 hours

06/03/21 19:27 MST 17 kB
Temperature plot from Last 36 hours

06/03/21 19:34 MST 20 kB
Temperature plot from Last 12 hours

06/03/21 19:31 MST 18 kB
Temperature plot from Last 3 days

06/03/21 19:29 MST 22 kB
Temperature plot from Whole casting

06/03/21 19:03 MST 22 kB

This page was generated automatically by J. M. Hill's "latestp.cgi" script, version 08MAR21.