The following OBs can be run in the afternoon. Make sure the Dome is DARK - all lights OFF - not only for the Darks, but also because it has been seen that the Biases from LBC may be affected by light. For this reason also, the U-BESSEL (LBCB) and Y-FAN (LBCR) filters, which are assumed to block most effectively any stray light, are put into the beam. The darks are each 900 seconds (15 minutes). If you are running out of time, you can stop the OB, but note that you will lose that exposure. Connect to the LBT if you want the headers to be populated with correct values for UT and other telescope information. None of these OBs attempt to preset, or track the telescope or rotator. Nevertheless, PLEASE INFORM THE TELESCOPE OPERATOR that you will be RUNNING AN OB (You will probably need to ask them to turn off the lights anyway). SOFTWARE IS NOT FAILSAFE, AND THOUGH THESE OBs ARE NOT INTENDED TO MOVE THE TELESCOPE THEY DO MOVE THE INSTRUMENT. 25Bias_Bino.ob 25 biases ~17 minutes (40sec/bias x 25 biases) 2Darks_Bino.ob 2 15-min Darks ~31 minutes 3Darks_Bino.ob 3 15-min Darks ~47 minutes