These two OBs take extrafocal (Z= -0.8mm) pupil images which are used for focus and collimation. They use the V-BESSEL for Blue and r-SLOAN for Red. The analysis routine has been optimized for these filters; even if your science observations will be carried out with different filters, use these for the pupil images. RB_rVfastextra.ob and RB_rVfastextra_off.ob both take two 16-sec images, one per channel, using a subregion of chip 2. The DEC is set to -90 degrees which signals not to slew the telescope; use "current" position. You should slew to your target by loading the science OB, and clicking play then stop to slew but not carry out the integrations. The only difference between these two OBs is that RB_rVfastextra_off.ob will offset the telescope before integrating. This may be useful for target fields which contain extended or many non-stellar objects. It offsets 10 arcmin N, but this can be changed by editing the RA or DEC dither in the boxes under "Dithering Offset Steps" on the "Observation Description" page.