Large Binocular Telescope Project

Request For Proposal (RFP)

for the

Central Derotators' Structure

08 December 1997


1. Introduction
2. Statement of Work


1. Introduction

The Large Binocular Telescope Project Office (LBTPO), the authorized representative for the LBT Corporation (LBTC), has decided not to invite proposals for the manufacture of the Central Derotators' Structure for the Large Binocular Telescope Project. This RFP document only exists to provide a link to the Statment of Work.

2. Statement of Work

A description of the work to be performed is provided under Attachment A.

The LBTC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities in any proposal, or to withhold the award for any reason it may determine, and also reserves the right to hold any or all proposals for a period of (90) days after the date of opening.

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